“Get to” versus “Have to”
Have you ever found yourself in a situation where some kind of action is required on your part yet you simply don’t feel that you want to take that action? Or perhaps more likely, by not taking that action you’ll be left with another situation that you’d rather not have?
Here’s a simple, effective and powerful way to change the experience for taking action in your life that you find you would rather not do.
Rather than saying and thinking statements like: “I have to work.” “I have to buy groceries,” “I have to do the laundry,” or whatever the action is that you ‘have’ to do, choose your language differently and you may notice a whole new occurrence with the action you are taking.
Alter those statements to: “I get to work.” “I get to buy groceries.” Or “I get to do the laundry.” Suddenly your experience can change from something that feels forced and uninspiring to something that actually now may seem exciting. You may even feel grateful or honored for being able to take action on those very same things!
In that context, the “get” almost infers a fortunate circumstance, or an allowance, if you will. The “get” may become a fortunate happenstance in your mind which is where the “don’t want to” feeling resides anyway.
Consider viewing that the work that you get to do may indicate that you have a means to provide for yourself or for your loved ones financially. Or perhaps you are able to contribute to the wellbeing of someone else. Consider how being able to get groceries, can imply that you are fortunate in having the physical and perhaps monetary capability in obtaining food and nourishment. To do laundry and to even have laundry to do demonstrates that you possess clothing that keeps yourself warm and protected from the environment (and not arrested for indecent exposure out in public!). In all seriousness, consider that not everyone is fortunate enough to possess what many of us complain about “having” to do.
As you start to observe your language, listen to yourself and your internal dialog. Seek opportunities to choose different words that will provide inspiration and empowerment rather than using terminology that is stale and unrewarding. And while the alternative wording does not take away the task at hand, how you tell yourself about the actions will be reshaped and your desire to perform that action will change.
To quote Wayne Dyer, “if you change the way you look at things, they things you look at change.”
Try that on.